Fire Safe News

Fairmount Canyon Fire

We are grateful to Kensington Fire Safe Council member Ken Burkhart for documenting the Fairmount Canyon fire before, during and after the blaze. These photos should serve as a reminder to us of how quickly a blaze can erupt.

This blaze started on October 15, 2019 presumably in a homeless encampment. Some of our canyons are privately owned, but this fire started in a part of the canyon that is owned by the city. The neglected and over-grown Mexican Fan palms went up quickly and embers flew.

The winds blew east, towards Talmadge and away from Kensington. Thanks to the heroic efforts of our firefighters no homes were damaged. Kudos to the Talmadge residents for diligently clearing their canyons, keeping their homes safe.

Here’s how the canyon looked before the fire:

Here’s the heart-stopping moment as the fire raged:

And here is the aftermath. Notice the charred Mexican Fan palms.

We encourage all Kensington residents to clear brush regularly to protect our community.

Fire Safe News

Fire Safety Handouts

Check out these two brochures for guidance on how to get your home fire safe:

Fire Safe News

Change in Leadership

Beverley Barrett has left some pretty big shoes for the new co-chairs, Judy Harrington and Amy Dyson, to fill.

Judy and Amy plan to keep Bev’s “Dumpathon,” where dumpsters are provided free of charge around the neighborhood and neighbors are encouraged to clear their canyons and yards before the start of fire season. This project is funded by a grant from our parent organization, Fire Safe Council of San Diego County.

The new chairs are also planning to provide fire safety education, build a relationship with our local fire station, and create an online presence.

Judy and Amy hope to connect with our Kensington neighbors soon. They are so grateful to Bev for founding this incredibly important organization.