Fire Safe News

October Dumpathon

On Thursday, September 30, 2021 six dumpsters were placed at various locations around Kensington. Here they are in all their glory:

On Tuesday, October 5, 2021 four of these dumpsters, even the two jumbo-sized dumpsters, were almost completely full:

Four of the six were 80% or more full, and two were 60% full.

On Thursday, October 7, emptied dumpsters were placed at seven new locations around Kensington. Here are the Week 2 dumpsters:

On October 9, three days after Week 2 dumpsters were delivered Bill and Judy Harrignton’s dumpster filled up!

On October 12, with only one full day remaining in our Dumpathon, almost all our dumpsters are 90% or more full!

We’re so grateful that the community got on board and took full advantage of this opportunity to clear fire-fuel from their canyons and yards.

By our estimate, we removed up to 39 tons of green waste during the Dumpathon.

Thank you so much to our 13 dumpster-minders, neighbors who let us place a dumpster in the street outside their house. They spread the word about the Dumpathon and got many of their neighbors involved. They also monitored the dumpster throughout the weeks and notified us of any problems. Our dumpster-minders were incredibly helpful and supportive. Here’s a map of where our dumpsters were located:

Dumpster Locations for Week 1 and 2

A HUGE Thank You to SDG&E, The San Diego Regional Fire Foundation, and generous Kensington Fire Safe Dollar$ 4 Dumpsters donors for funding our fall canyon cleanup. We couldn’t do it without you!

Also, a BIG Thank You to Ware Disposal, our dumpster rental company, who provided incredible support for our project!

Saying good bye to our dumpster on Ridegway. See you next time!

For more information on the Dumpathon please click here to go to our DUMPATHON page.

Fire Safe News

The Dumpsters Of Kensington – Week 1

The first round of dumpsters arrived today (9/30/2021). Please dump your fire-prone yard trimmings in the dumpsters for free. Click here for dumpster locations and status.

Community Presentations Fire Safe News

Danny Glessner’s Home Hardening Seminar

Click here to see the presentation on YouTube.

On Thursday, September 16, 2021 we were fortunate to have Danny Glessner, home hardening expert, give an hour-long presentation on the steps we can take to make our homes safer in a wildfire.

Roughly 30 people attended the presentation in person and an additional 30 attended via Zoom. Glessner was happy to see how concerned Kensington residents are about fire safety and remarked that, since our homes are so close together, we need to act as a community to keep everyone’s home safe.

Glessner covered various topics including wildfire history in California, how to create defensible space in our yards and canyons, and how to seal our homes to keep flying embers out. Simple steps such as removing debris from roofs and rain gutters, and screening off eaves and vents can make a big difference in how well your home can survive a fire.

Glessner’s business, Wildfire Home Hardening Specialists, can send an expert to your home and give you practical and cost-effective solutions to make your home safer in a wildfire. You can schedule a consultation by emailing Glessner at Visit his webpage at:

We are so grateful that Glessner shared his time and expertise with our community.

Fire Safe News Fire-Wise Landscaping

Reminder to Keep Your Fan Palms Trimmed

Sure, your fan palm is beautiful with its layers of drying fronds draping down the trunk. But those dried fronds ignite easily in a wildfire and spread flying embers throughout the neighborhood. Let the unprecedented fires raging through our state right now serve as a reminder to keep your fan palms trimmed up and protected from fire. You might just save your house, or your neighbor’s.

Fire Safe News

Home Hardening Presentation

Want to Up Your Homes’ Fire Survival Odds?

Mark your calendars – as requested by a number of residents, Kensington Fire Safe is sponsoring a professional home hardening expert to talk about the latest info on strengthening our homes’ fire resistance. Our speaker, Danny Glessner, is a former firefighter and fire captain who combines scientific research with extensive frontline experience.

Time: 7 – 8 PM, September 16th
Place: Kensington Community Church, 4774 Marlborough Dr. or on Zoom

Here’s the link to join the presentation on Zoom:

If attending in person: The Church requires all attendees to sign a COVID waiver and wear face covering, regardless of vaccination status. Disposable masks will be available for your use.

Click here to e-sign the Kensington Community Church’s COVID waiver online.

Click here to RSVP if attending in person (so we have enough chairs) or on Zoom (so we can monitor community engagement).

Fire Safe News

Dollar$ 4 Dumpsters Day

Saturday, July 17, 9am. It was a perfect morning. 26 of us met at Judy’s house to pick up our maps, flyers, and nametags. We were divided into teams of two’s and three’s and each team was assigned an area of roughly 150 parcels to deliver our Dollar$ 4 Dumpsters fundraising flyers to. All 26 of us arrived on time and ready to get to work. We planned our routes and headed out to our areas to canvas. The work was done in about an hour and a half and then those of us who were able met back at Judy’s for lunch and a pool party.

Here’s a shot of our lunch spread which consisted of sub sandwiches, potato chips, homemade chocolate chip cookies, fruit, and drinks.

Why are we raising dollars for dumpsters? We place dumpsters around the neighborhood to encourage folks to clear their yards and canyons of fire fuels. They use the dumpsters free-of-charge. We call this The Dumpathon which is an annual event. This year The Dumpathon will take place October 2 -15, and we’re thinking of holding another Dumpathon in the spring.

We received a grant from SDG&E that will fund 10 dumpsters and have asked the community to donate so we can provide even more dumpsters and promote even more canyon clearing. So far neighbors have stepped up to provide funding for almost three additional dumpsters and it’s only day 3 of our campaign!

Dollar$ 4 Dumpsters Day was a great day with terrific people who all care about protecting our very special neighborhood from wildfire.

Fire Safe News

Sean Elo-River’s Office Completes Fairmount Canyon Clearing

From Brett Weise, Policy and Communications Manager Office of Councilmember Sean Elo-Rivera:

“I have an update to provide regarding the canyon space in Kensington that has experienced recent fires. Our office has been advocating to city staff and the Chief Operating Officer for brush management services in this area. Over the weekend, Transportation and Storm Water crews abated the area that they are responsible for maintaining – the paper street between Fairmount Avenue and Van Dyke Avenue. Photos of the completed work are attached. Our office is continuing to work with the other asset managing departments to finish brush management of this space. We will also be contacting Canyonlands and EDCO to discuss potential opportunities for volunteers to join our office in brush abatement for this canyon and in other vulnerable open spaces throughout Council District 9.”

Fire Safe News

Memorial Day Parade

Kensington Fire Safe Co-Chairs Amy Dyson and Judy Harrington and fire dog Molly
Fire Safe News

Councilman Concerned About Homeless Encampment Fires

Councilmember Sean Elo-Rivera and his Policy and Communications Manager Brett Weise, met with residents on Saturday, May 8, 2021 to discuss the problem with the recurring homeless encampment fires. Brett Weise then wrote the following email to all attendees:

“Thank you all for meeting with Councilmember Elo-Rivera and I today in Kensington to discuss concerns regarding recent fires in the nearby canyons. Our office will be working in the following weeks to help address the underlying issues that led to these recent fires, including a build-up of dry vegetation and presence of encampments. I will be following up periodically with you all once I receive updates on these efforts.

We will also be advocating for additional resources for city staff to more proactively address fire-related issues during the budget process, which will be ongoing until the Fiscal Year 2022 budget is passed next month. You are able to provide your thoughts and recommendations for the City’s budget through our office’s survey linked here. The Fire-Rescue Department has provided a packet of information for homeowners as well, titled,“Ready, Set, Go”, which outlines steps that property owners can take to help protect their property in the event of a wildland fire. Given the layout of the community, some recommendations such as the ones for defensible space, may not be applicable, but this information may be helpful in protecting your home. This guide can be found by clicking this link here. Additionally, an informational video on brush management can be found here.

Fire Safe News

Historic Wildfire Legislation Passed

From The Toni Times | May 2021 (State Senator Toni Atkins)

Last year’s fire season was the largest in California’s history, burning more than 4 million acres and devastating communities in diverse landscapes throughout the state. With another hot and dry fire season on the horizon, combined with a lack of rainfall and low snowpack, the state’s wildfire preparedness efforts are already underway. In partnership with the Assembly and the Governor, the Senate passed a groundbreaking $536 million wildfire package that enables the state to take urgent action to support wildfire suppression, improve forest health, and build resilience in communities to help protect Californians from catastrophic wildfires across the state. For every dollar we spend on wildfire prevention, our state saves $6 to $7 in damage.

This wildfire package will fund much needed programs and projects throughout the state, including here in the 39th Senate District. San Diego residents will benefit from increased funding for home and structural hardening, grants for small farmers and rural landowners in East County for vegetation management, and fire prevention and management at state parks. Your local cities and the county will have information as soon as it is available for specific fire reduction programs. The package also includes a $12 million grant for the San Diego River Conservancy for on-the-ground wildfire-related investments. The conservancy has several projects that these funds will help implement, including projects to reduce fires, smoke, and protect natural landscapes and property.

The state is pursuing sustainable approaches to thinning California’s vulnerable landscapes, half of which will be funded under this landmark legislation. Furthermore, the state’s iBank will work collaboratively with other state agencies to accelerate the application process for to the Climate Catalyst Fund. The fund will provide loans, loan guarantees and other credit support to encourage private-sector innovations in technology, business models, and infrastructure and supply chains in woody biomass markets.

Here in San Diego County, we are no strangers to the devastating impacts of wildfires. In addition to the loss of homes and property, wildfires pollute our air so severely that even walking down the street can be dangerous for vulnerable populations. The impending challenges of this year’s fire season are daunting but together we can take action in our communities to help limit the spread of fires. Organizations like the Fire Safe Council of San Diego County have numerous resources for folks interested in making their homes and businesses more wildfire resilient, and for updates on local fires. I encourage all my constituents to consider how they can make their home or business more fire safe. Make sure your evacuation plan is current and that each member of your household or staff at work knows how to get to a safe location.