We will continually update this blog throughout the Dumpathon.
Funding and support for this project is provided by a grant to the Fire Safe Council of San Diego County from the San Diego River Conservancy.
Wednesday, February 23, 2022: We’ve had a very successful Dumpathon and estimate we’ve removed 17 tons of flammable green waste from Kensington!
In fact, we were so successful that two of our five dumpsters were completely full before the event even ended, so we had them hauled away early.
A total of four dumpsters were 100% full and one large dumpster was 90% full.
We are so grateful to YOU, our community, for doing your part to keep Kensington safe from wildfires. We’re also grateful for our dumpster-minders for hosting our five dumpsters. And we are especially grateful for our sponsors, The Fire Safe Council of San Diego County and the San Diego River Conservancy.
Take a look at our very full dumpsters:

Thursday, February 17, 2022: The dumpsters arrived today! Board members Vicki Pinkus and Judy Harrington attached our signs to the dumpsters.

This is the first time we’ve held a Dumpathon in February. We’re hoping neighbors will take advantage of the cooler weather to do the hard work of clearing flammable brush from their canyons and yards and dump it in our dumpsters free of charge.
We will continue to hold our Fall Dumpathon this September or October.